Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Menu Boxes

HRR now offers plastic menu boxes in two sizes for transporting and storing food, as well as reusable ones.

  1. You can purchase menu boxes for your own use:
    • At all reflectories.
      • U2 Cafeteria in Mostní Street
      • U4 Refectory in Univerzitní Street
      • U5 Refectory at Jižní Svahy
      • U13 Restaurant
      • U19 Hotel Garni Restaurant
    • At all halls of residence receptions.
      • Hall U6 Antonínova
      • Hall U7 Štefánikova
      • Hall U12 Nám. T. G. Masaryka
      • Hotel Garni
  2. Menu boxes are available for purchase at all reflectories.
    • When the food is served, ask to be sold in the menu box, which you then pay at the cashier.
  3. Reusable menu boxes for food
    • when the food is dispensed, you ask to sell it in the menu box, then at the checkout you return a clean and undamaged menu box
    • you don’t pay anything, you just change the menu boxes
    • for hygiene reasons, it is not possible to dispense food in the brought menu boxes.
  4. The purchase of commonly worn menu boxes, not destroyed ones, is offered by HRR at all reflectories.
  5. The price of a menu box:
    • Big: 190 CZK
    • Small: 120 CZK

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